Welcome dear viewer, to my blog

Whether it's Nedroid or XKCD, SMBC or Amazingsuperpowers, or many other webcomics, they'll be put up to review here. I've read webcomics, and some are definitely good, some are bad, and some are just awful. I'll be reviewing some of the comics I frequently read, along with some that I've heard are just awful. I've read comics for years, so I figure, why not review them. It should be fun, and at the very least, the comics will get more views. At time of writing, I only have my four favorite blogs in the section I'm reviewing. As time goes on however, I will be adding more and more comics to my list. I'll post a review of the comics the day after, or the day they're posted. Check when they're updated, and then check my blog the next day.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Edmund Finney's Quest to Find the meaning of life.

It's Tuesday! You know what that means! Time for my first comic review: Today: Edmund Finney's Quest to find the meaning of life!


I've always liked this comic, it manages to have a very dark sense of humor sometimes, while remaining appropriate for anyone who'd understand the humor. The art style has always been good, and has only improved as the artist get's better and better. The world initially seems to be one like our own, but all the random, crazy towns make it seem different. It always delivers a clever punchline each issue, even while continuing a very large story. A little background on this comic, since it's the first time reviewing this one: Edmund Finney is tired of life, and so he goes on a quest to find the meaning of it. He goes through various towns, and the comics are presented by him as a visual journal of his tales. Most of the issues are black and white, but there are a few issues in color.

In today's issue, Edmund has met a character who is the foil to Cupid. He's the mascot for "It's okay to be single day" a day following Valentine's day. They talk about cavemen hunting for themselves instead of a family. The punchline for this episode is that instead of the silhouette being a wooly mammoth, like expected, it's instant noodles, beer, and other foods generally considered to be eaten by single men. I thought it was clever because not only do you not expect the woolly mammoth to be an actual mammoth, but it also shows the benefits or downsides of being single, depending on who you are.

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