Welcome dear viewer, to my blog

Whether it's Nedroid or XKCD, SMBC or Amazingsuperpowers, or many other webcomics, they'll be put up to review here. I've read webcomics, and some are definitely good, some are bad, and some are just awful. I'll be reviewing some of the comics I frequently read, along with some that I've heard are just awful. I've read comics for years, so I figure, why not review them. It should be fun, and at the very least, the comics will get more views. At time of writing, I only have my four favorite blogs in the section I'm reviewing. As time goes on however, I will be adding more and more comics to my list. I'll post a review of the comics the day after, or the day they're posted. Check when they're updated, and then check my blog the next day.

Monday 28 February 2011

Hark a Nedroid's Superpower!

Alright, we've had a slew of updates over the weekend. With our scheduled update of Hark a vagrant last Friday, an AmazingSuperPowers today, along with the bonus of a nedroid, we've got a lot of work ahead of us.


I suppose we'll start with my favorite of the three comics, Nedroid. Nedroid has been one of my favorite and most followed comics since early 2009. The characters Beartato and Reginald are absolutely insane. There is no way to describe them other than out of this world. They do have more normal characters like Harrison, but they are rarely featured. Beartato appears to be a bear but.... Crossed with a potato. He's probably the more sane of the duo. Reginald is a bird, he's vain, crazy, and usually the one getting the duo into wacky situations. They're best friends, in a way reminiscent of Calvin and Hobbes, except not as imaginary. Today's comic however, was quite a disappointment. First of all, who barbecues tacos? I was kind of confused by this. As for the punchline that Reginald likes tacos, it's not that funny. Twelve isn't that substantial of a number, yes it's a lot, but I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who eat twelve tacos at a meal. Even the rollover text fails to add any humour to this. This is in all likelihood the weakest nedroid comic I've ever seen.
EDIT: After looking at this comic again, I've realized Reginald has 12 fingers in total, which, compared to his usual two, is quite shocking. I guess this is funnier than originally thought.


Now, as for Hark a Vagrant, that's an interesting comic. It has a very simplistic art style, very basic, and black and white. The jokes usually come from historical figures' lives, and how weird they actually were. The comic manages to be both historically accurate, and hilarious. It also has a frequent focus on Canadian history, which is great. This update has multiple comics, but my favorite is the first one, so I will focus mainly on that. Queen Elizabeth is doing a speech, saying she has the heart of a man, and courage. Out of nowhere, she states she has the wings of an albatross, and flies off. It made no sense at all, but the shock value itself made me laugh. The other comics have a similar shocked laugh.

I've talked about AmazingSuperPowers before, so I'll keep this one brief. It was very funny, seeing police officers act like that, while on duty no less, was not expected. And the chief's order at the end made me laugh. As far as the secret comic, it shows that the characters actually did what they were talking about, and the chalk drawings made me laugh. This is also a perfect example of what I meant when I said this comic will often have a story line, such as "Art is Hard part 2" but the characters in part two are not at all the same as the originals.

EDIT: (Thanks to Marc) I completely forgot to point out that Hark A Vagrant's comic was their 300th comic. It updates once a week, so if they've kept that schedule sine they started, that comic is almost six years old, which is pretty impressive.


  1. I liked the hark a vagrant, but I find it odd you didn't point out the iconic post number.

  2. I loved the Nedroid picture diary, it was both funny and entertaining. I got a solid chuckle, as well as being well informed of the comic from your post. Good Job
