Welcome dear viewer, to my blog

Whether it's Nedroid or XKCD, SMBC or Amazingsuperpowers, or many other webcomics, they'll be put up to review here. I've read webcomics, and some are definitely good, some are bad, and some are just awful. I'll be reviewing some of the comics I frequently read, along with some that I've heard are just awful. I've read comics for years, so I figure, why not review them. It should be fun, and at the very least, the comics will get more views. At time of writing, I only have my four favorite blogs in the section I'm reviewing. As time goes on however, I will be adding more and more comics to my list. I'll post a review of the comics the day after, or the day they're posted. Check when they're updated, and then check my blog the next day.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Amazing Super Powers in real life!

So after much googling and hours of youtube searching, I thought I'd show you guys a video about a webcomic if it were in real life, and how.... The humour translates, but not as well as I thought.

Apparently this was part of a contest or something. For those who haven't read the comic, here it is.
I think the most difficult part of this the time it took to make the video. It takes about ten to thirty seconds to read a comic, but this video seemed much slower.

(The original comic, for those who haven't seen it is here)

1 comment:

  1. I suppose most comics lose some of their appeal once translated into real life. Imagine a real life version of Charlie Brown or Calvin and Hobbes. The horror!
