Welcome dear viewer, to my blog

Whether it's Nedroid or XKCD, SMBC or Amazingsuperpowers, or many other webcomics, they'll be put up to review here. I've read webcomics, and some are definitely good, some are bad, and some are just awful. I'll be reviewing some of the comics I frequently read, along with some that I've heard are just awful. I've read comics for years, so I figure, why not review them. It should be fun, and at the very least, the comics will get more views. At time of writing, I only have my four favorite blogs in the section I'm reviewing. As time goes on however, I will be adding more and more comics to my list. I'll post a review of the comics the day after, or the day they're posted. Check when they're updated, and then check my blog the next day.

Friday 18 March 2011

Flashback Friday, Nedroid, Superpowers and Finney. Can you say "Full plate"?

So, it's Flashback Friday, you know what that means!.... Old comics! Yay! But first, the recently updated ones

Let's start with Nedroid!

I like this comic for a couple reasons. First is the art style. He makes a point to never actually show the tie in the first couple panels, and if you look closely, it could actually be right below the comic. Also, color in a nedroid comic is always welcome. Lastly, I found it very amusing how pinching someone wearing green ends in jail, because there's always a consequence for doing that in younger grades, but to carry that onto the real world is hilarious. Not much else to say, good work though.

Now, time for Amazingsuperpowers:
I like this one, because usually Superpowers will do something like this, but have a.... real-ish scenario in which there's a reason, it's just humorous. This time... He basically just asks to be slapped. My favorite part however, is the secret comic. It contrasts the original comic very nicely, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Finally, time for some Finney!

This is a good continuation of the previous one, and I always like when the conversations carry on into another comic. It makes it so if you go back and decide to read the comics from a point, you get this sense of contiuation, not just pieced together jokes. Anyways, this comic seems to have two jokes. The main one is switching around the judgement, which is good. The second one was "This guy owns crazy things, haha!" Which.... I didn't find that great. Anyways, still a good comic.

And now, for the first time ever.....

Wait, nevermind! As I was in the process of typing up this review, a new nedroid came up (Thanks, Random updates!) So hooray! 'Nother comic!

According to the text underneath, this is an old comic he forgot to publish. So I guess this counts as our first FLASHBACK FRIDAY! Interesting comic, the humor is simpler, and it doesn't actually involve Reginald, but his phoenix counterpart. As you can see, the art style is much simpler, which the text being more cluttered, and the lines being less complete. This is probably about halfway through the Nedroid series, so you really get to see the halfway point in the art. Anyways, the joke is good. It's a super amazing, super exciting adventure, but then it's the guy next door. It's reminiscent of the opening to Monty Python's life of Brian. Anyways, good job, and if you want to see even further back, just go to the site.

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