Welcome dear viewer, to my blog

Whether it's Nedroid or XKCD, SMBC or Amazingsuperpowers, or many other webcomics, they'll be put up to review here. I've read webcomics, and some are definitely good, some are bad, and some are just awful. I'll be reviewing some of the comics I frequently read, along with some that I've heard are just awful. I've read comics for years, so I figure, why not review them. It should be fun, and at the very least, the comics will get more views. At time of writing, I only have my four favorite blogs in the section I'm reviewing. As time goes on however, I will be adding more and more comics to my list. I'll post a review of the comics the day after, or the day they're posted. Check when they're updated, and then check my blog the next day.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Back from Spring break, and boy we have a lot to catch up on!

So of course Finney and Superpowers have updated as regular, but unexpectedly, Nedroid had a storm of updates over the break. Maybe I should've been updating this as well. Oh well, 20/20 hindsight. I think the most interesting thing about Spring Break is that Amazingsuperpowers has updated their webpage's design. I think it makes it much more simplistic at this point, more rounded and focused on the comic, but I don't know, what do you guys think? I suppose I'll just do the most recent comic for each series, because they've updated a lot since the break.

First off, Amazingsuperpowers:
Eh..... Nevermind, that's really not appropriate....

I'll just do the April Fool's double feature of Nedroid!

 I like both of these. The first one is a really lame April fool's joke, but my favorite part of it is that Loki, the God of mischief appears to congratulate Reginald, even though it's a fairly mediocre prank. He just doesn't give him waffles. The second one I like for a number of reasons. It seems to continue the story of the last comic, with Beartato attempting to get back at Reginald with his own prank, which reveals a pegasus to exist. It also throws back to another comic I've reviewed Pinch Me in which Reginald is put in jail for pinching someone wearing green on St.Patrick's day. It shows how ridiculous this universe is, and how it is consistently ridiculous.

Finally, it's time for Edmund Finney

I was away and hadn't been following the exploits of our favorite world traveler, but it's good, because he's started a new story arc! He's faced up against the black knight, but the knight isn't really guarding what he's supposed to be. I found this comic excellent, it has a 'double punchline' type scenario, where there's already a joke, and then bam! Firecracker bear. All in all an excellent comic, but I always recommend going back to the last mini-series, because there were excellent jokes with the aliens.

All in all a good start after spring break! Welcome back to all those who went on vacation, and I hope you're liking the comics.

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